Wednesday 1 February 2012

Holographic universe

(Quick note: I will have some videos up soon this weekend,hoping they dont go all slo-mo on my ass. But,we shall see)

What if our universe,was simply a hologram? Well,not simply,but what if? What would this mean to you personally? there is a theory that our universe simply could be a hologram of a sort. But what would said hologram be in? What is creating it,why would it be created,for what purpose? There are alot of questions to this,and no answers. We simply dont know,nor could we even begin to fathom the idea. I have no idea what this could mean to us as humans.If our universe is a hologram,what does that make us? Maybe we are simply representations of ourselves,of our sub-conscience. What you see of me,is what i allow you to see. Interesting thought. Doesnt mean we can create outer appearences,like become Jay-Z or shakespear.I belive we are limited to ourseles,but even that has alot of room for play. Confidence,for one. If you appear confident,people look at you better than if you lacked. Same with not giving a fuck,and loving yourself. All can dramaticly alter your appearence to others,and yourself.

Try it and see. There is alot about this universe inside of us that we do not know,but are slowly learning. What if,the unverse simply doesnt exist,other than inside of us,and it is a created illusion of our imaginations? It is growing and expanding,along with our consciencness, so perhaps that could have a shred of truth to it. All theorys tho,and will likely remain such for years to come. "You cannot bend the spoon. That is impossible. Instead,believe that the spoon does not exist."

1 comment:

  1. Hey man i really like your blogs, and whats left of your youtube attempts. Keep it up and know that theres alot of us on your side and were uniting against control and moving towards prosperity
