Tuesday 31 January 2012

A sellout,or a dreamer

Everyone has to make money. Sad truth. But,i would rather make money doing something i love,than somehting that i hate,takes away my time,harms other humans.I would rather be writing my thoughts on politics,the world,conspiracy theorys or just my thoughts on life. Making videos,to inform people,make them laugh or even just to talk. ( i like talking,hence i started making videos) So,by putting ads on my videos and blogs,i'm not selling out. I'm trying to reach the point,where i can do this to support myself. This,is much prefered to anything else i could be doing,i believe. And so,I will keep at what i am doing to see where it gets me. Everyone needs a hobby,might as well share mine.
Hope you enjoy friends!

Education,or simply memory tests

Does our education really teach us,or just test our memorys. What is a majority of school? Its parroting back what you are told,is it now? How many of us,after being in school for thirteen years,remembers how to do algerbra,or what war was won when by who? I dont rememeber. That could be, (in my case) due to a period of experimenting with drugs. In reality,everything that alters your mind or body is a drug,so i could be specific in what drugs i have done,but is that neccisary? I will say,that for some people,the effects of cannabis and Magic Mushrooms can be long lasting,and impair your memory recal,both long term and short term memory. So that may be why i cant remember what year the Avro Arrow was scrapped by Canada. Or,it could be because they never tought me about the most advanced airplane ever created to that date,that could still out perform our current generation jets. Wonder why. That would interest me,more so than western history,or what french general won what war. Yes,those who dont learn from history are condemned to repeat it,but we pick and choose what we rememeber anyway,buy way of personal interest. So why not teach me what i am interested to know? Because,i may not end up the good little taxpayer they want me to be. I may begin questioning things,wondering why i must do what they ask. I may even start seeing through the guise they use,and see the corruption for what it is. Interestingly,our politicians are theives and murderers,but we applaud them and even re-elect them. Why? Because they do it in "our interests". They are public servants anyway,so they must be here to aid us. Thats what school tought me. Lucky then,that i stumbled upon a plan,that opened up a part of my mind to free thought,to the ability to question everything. You dont need drugs to reach that point of thought,notat all. But personally,it was a great asset to me. I have discovered secrets and meanings that i was not meant to know. That i was not meant to see...

It was hidden,though,right in front of us. The best hiding spot. And If you can think for yourself,then you too will find the answers you seek. Right under your nose...

School,teaches you to grow and be succesful in this system. How to make money and survive. But it doesnt teach you to live,how to be yourself,and how to overcome control. The education system is the greatest tool to those in control,for that creates generations of brainless slaves. How many young kids,go and get drunk on the weekend, how many dont care about school,work or respect these days? Stick them in front of tv and give them some junk food or drug them up with big pharma "cures" and everything will be ok. While your at it,drink some flouride water,go and get a breath of fresh alluminum and berylium Oxide, and enjoy radiation from the sun through the holes we punched in the atmosphere. Life is good in the west,isnt it. Hey,we're even making Canada warmer cause the north pole is shifting over to Siberia in Rusia. Great!

Anyone buying this? If your here reading this,i pray to god you dont. You must be aware,must be smarter than that. You know the difference between me and the rulers of this world? They have mad resources,and made a deal with the devil. Other than that,we are equal. I can think for myself,and that makes me a massive threat. I share my thoughts with others,and that makes me ten times more deadly. But thast alright with me,i could use a little action in life. Dont fall for the games they play,instead create your own game and you make the rules. They Cant beat us,if we want them to lose. Its rather simple. Dont play by their rules,make your own. Create your reality as you see fit,and they cant do jack shit about it. If you think about it,its rather easy!! So simple. We can win,buy not giving them what they want. Control. I will learn,not what they tell me,but what i want to. I will live,not how they want me to,but how i see fit. I will love,not objects and money,but my family,nature and life. Learn to create your own rules,and you become the master of your universe.
 You dont need a collage degree to be successful. You just need to change your perception of success.

Monday 30 January 2012

I have found the meaning to life!

If you came here looking for the meaning of your life,i'm sorry to disapoint. You wont find anything of the sort. In fact,i wont even say what the meaning to my life is,because quite frankly,its irrelevant to you. (actually,its not at all. The meaning of life is the same for all humans,in the simple form. There is a main reason to life,and then whatever else you desire your life to mean. But all humans have the same basic goal.
Makes you wonder what i'm talking about, doesnt it? How desperate are you to know? I guess one would be pretty interested,considering its the MEANING TO LIFE and all. If i told you though, i may risk scoffaws and laughs, for the answer is so simple that it is perplexing in its simplicity. It has been with us since birth, and we knew it as a baby, but society took it away, and replacxed it with desires and wants for things we didnt need, or really want. But, we grew accustomed to these things, and grew placent in our search for life. We live in a reality, but do we live life? Maybe thats the question we should be looking to answer instead.
Should i tell you then? The meaning of life, thats the reason your still here,and not watching youtube,updating Facebook or what have you. How many will read this through,looking just for a quick anwer and move on. At least five,i bet! Maybe more,as humans are so impatient. We never learn to love ourselves and slow down,relax and ponder and enjoy life. We are too busy looking for answers to questions we no longer understand, for the next adrenaline rush or the new big hit movie. Entertainment at its finest, laughing and enjoying murder, rape and destruction. Big hits are action packed rides, always sure to please the senses. Yet,when you finish the film,walking out of the theater, deep down you feel like a cheap whore for getting your kicks from such Chaos. No? Guess your just human then. Immune now, to pain and suffering of others,only concerned with yourselves. Not many have love anymore, and fewer still have love for others, and fewer still have love for all. Guess thats why we keep asking awkward questions. We dont really need to know the answer, because even when we know, we wouldnt believe it. Interesting. Makes any sense? Didnt expect it to. As i write, my thoughts cross one another like a room of writhing snakes. Makes for a sensational read if your into ramblings of a crazy person. I found the meaning of life, am i greedy for not sharing? Yes,very. But its for your own good, i swear. For humanity cannot even begin to grasp why we are here, what our purpose is. For humans arent ready yet. Oh, and the meaning of life? I told you already.  Did you believe it?

Sunday 29 January 2012

Not long now...

Videos are not uploading,more and mroe internet pages are error 404 cannot be found, and my facebook freeman friends have disappeared.
I am scared,not going to lie or sugar coat it. We dont have much time left before everything collapses. Learn all you can,dig deep and get ready for the biggest show humans have ever seen.  Consider ourselves lucky,we get to witness complete Armegedon. The end of humanity is at hand. Or at least,the end of love is at hand. Those humans that will survive,will be the filthy worms of this planet,hiding deep in thier holes wating till its safe to stick their heads up. That will be the death of humanty. When those least deserving,are the likelest to make it,then i find it hard to have faith. Humans like me,preppers and awake ones,may have a better chance than most,but thats still a very thin chance of survival. There is only so much you can prepare for. Outside of that,than you best hope fate is on your side.

I wont die easily,not like a dog in the mud. I will fight to survive,to protect my family and life. To live. The will to live is very strong in humans,and gives us strenghnever seen before. Perhaps that will be our best ally in this war.

Saturday 28 January 2012


I apologize before hand,for my spelling and style of writing.i am still new at this whole writing thing. Videos were my forte,but its good to spread out my interests i suppose.
Today,it snowed 4 inches. Thats pretty cool,since its been a rather warm winter. But,as i watched the snow fall,i noticed they did not care where they landed,or if they landed at all. They fell,with no discrimination at all as to there location. Almost as if,they were simply inanimate pieces of frozen water droplets. But thats nonsense! Of course they had a reason,an idea, even a dream, of landing on our humble little rock. Why else would they cast themselves from what very well could be heaven,onto this frozen tundra of rock and steel? Everything has a presence,a personality. Look at a snowflake. Always different,unique. Just like a tree,rock or plant. They may outwardly have similiar traits,but they are all simply a universe of wonder. One cannot just catogrize them to all be the same,that is just insanity and arrogance. Why,to assume that one can judge something to be boring,repetitive and similiar, makes one look like a complete...well,devil. Why else would they believe themselves to be a higher power? Or perhaps,they are human. We are half demon,half angel anyways. Always believing ourselves to be far superior to everything else.
And in that lies our demise.

Humans interest me,like an alien species. something,extremely unique,and yet something so vulgar and disgusting one cannot watch them for long. Some humans,i love and believe in. Others,are straight from the pit of the metaphorical hell itself! You would believe me,that there is great evil,bu have you any idea to the extent of it? Would you belive,some made a deal with the devil himself? to raise themselves up,they had to kill many,harm others,destroy the planet,and consume all. And they have. At our expense really. Sad, what will i do now? Maybe fight. But he who fights by the sword,dies by the sword. No,i shall get my revenge by living. By surviving. that is the greatest form of revenge in this situation. Perfect...

Dam youtube

youtube is messing up all my videos,driving me insane! how is a man suppose to inform his fellow humans if its all in dam slo-mo?

someone called me a sellout today,for having ads. I found that interesting. If i could support myself by making money from doing something a love,then i would be a happy clam. Much prefered to selling my time/soul to someone who is only wanting profit from me. I could make videos all day,about anything and help people be more prepared. That would be awesome! but only if youtube stops hating me haha. One day...

Friday 27 January 2012

Eternity. Awfully long isnt it?

when asked if they wouls want to live forever in this world,quite a few humans said no. This place,they find,is sick and diseased. Well,when you think about humans,we are like a mold. We come,we destroy,weaken,and leave a gross mess behind,all the while exploiting the resource until we die.
But myself? I would live for ever,if i could. Actually,i suppose i will. Perhaps not in this body,but in some form. Energy. There is a cycle. The cycle of life. We humans, try to break that cycle every day. And soon,we will. And that will be our demise. Consider: Eternity,is a cycle. That is everlasting life. But if you step outside of it,you cease to exist after death.